automated clearing house

automated clearing house
автоматизированная клиринговая палата; автоматизированная расчетная палата
Компьютеризированная система, используемая депозитарными учреждениями - членами клиринговой палаты для обработки (т. е. объединения, сортировки и распределения) платежных поручений, поступающих в пригодной для машинной обработки форме.

Англо-русский словарь по инвестициям. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "automated clearing house" в других словарях:

  • Automated Clearing House — (ACH) is the name of an electronic network for financial transactions in the United States. ACH processes large volumes of both credit and debit transactions which are originated in batches. Rules and regulations governing the ACH network are… …   Wikipedia

  • Automated Clearing House — (ACH) est le nom du système sécurisé de transfert des paiements qui connecte entre elles toutes les institutions financières américaines. L ACH opère en tant que système centralisé de chambre de compensation pour tous les transferts des fonds… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Automated Clearing House - ACH — An electronic funds transfer system run by the National Automated Clearing House Association. This payment system deals with payroll, direct deposit, tax refunds, consumer bills, tax payments and many more payment services. The use of electronic… …   Investment dictionary

  • automated clearing house — noun A nationwide electronic funds transfer system that provides for inter bank clearing of electronic payments, such as credit card transactions. An ACH transaction is an electronic fund transfer through the Federal Reserve Bank from a checking… …   Wiktionary

  • Pan-European Automated Clearing House — A Pan European Automated Clearing House (PE ACH) is an ACH that is able to settle SEPA compliant credit transfers and direct debits across the Eurozone. At present there is only one PE ACH in operation STEP2 which was established by the Euro… …   Wikipedia

  • Automated Clearing House (ACH) — elektronisches Clearing System, in dem Zahlungsaufträge zwischen Finanzdienstleistern – vorrangig mittels Datenträger bzw. Telekommunikationsnetzwerke – über ein Rechenzentrum des Betreibers verrechnet und ausgetauscht werden. Die Verrechnung… …   Lexikon der Economics

  • Automated Clearing House — ( ACH) A collection of 32 regional electronic interbank networks used to process transactions electronically with a guaranteed one day bank collection float. The New York Times Financial Glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • AUTOMATED CLEARING HOUSE — (ACH) автоматизированный клиринговый домдобровольная ассоциация депозитариев, осуществляющая клиринг чеков и электронных единиц путем прямого обмена средств между членами ассоциации …   Словарь электронного бизнеса

  • Automated Clearing House — /ˌɔ:təmeɪtɪd klɪərɪŋ haυs/ noun an organisation set up by the federal authorities to settle transactions carried out by computer, such as automatic mortgage payments, and trade payments between businesses. Abbreviation ACH …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Clearing house (finance) — A clearing house is a financial institution that provides clearing and settlement services for financial and commodities derivatives and securities transactions. These transactions may be executed on a futures exchange or securities exchange, as… …   Wikipedia

  • clearing house — An adjunct to a futures exchange through which transactions executed on its floor where trades are settled by a process of matching purchases and sales. A clearing organization is also charged with the proper conduct of delivery procedures and… …   Financial and business terms

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